Sunday, February 8, 2015

Role of team members

Hi again! 
Our next project is to make a major creative project! What a name huh? 
Well you may be wondering what this project is all about, well basically we have to make a digital poster on what we've learned last semester and link them up together! 

But before we start the project we have to divide our jobs into sections!

Our team member Renzo Widjaja would take the part in arranging and filling up the content of the poster, this includes what we have learned and how we are going to link it, with the assistance of another team member, Michael Widjaja!

This brings us to the next job, the design of the poster! Michael will not only help Renzo to think about the content of the poster and how all of the thing we learned but also how the poster will look, the lay out of the poster. 

Next is the job of our third team member, Clarissa Novillian! Clarissa is very good in designing posters as that is one of her forte, and also picking out the fonts which is very important for the visuals, although we will not have much writing and more of pictures explaining themselves! She along with Renzo and Michael will also take charge in printing the poster. 

Finally, the actual design using photoshop would be done by me, Veda Alexandra. I would use the information gathered and the draft and outline made by other members and intrepret it to an actual poster using photoshop! 
Yay photoshop!

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