Sunday, February 8, 2015

First Draft of Poster

Very very rough draft of the poster

Ni hao!
Well I'm here to give you a very very very rough draft of our poster. Mind you, this draft is very very very very rough. Like very rough. 
Rough. Like this surface. 
Extremely rough. 
Rough! Like this rough endoplasmic reticulum with ribosomes attached on it's surface! (And let's give a hand to Yale university for using an electron microscope and took this picture AND uploading it to their website!)
Super rough. 
Just. Rough. 
Well are you ready?
:) :) :) :) :) :)

We'll work on it! WE WILL. WE MUST. IT'S OUR DUTY (really it's actually really our school duty). So we're going to have one main graphic on the middle (in this draft it's a brain with a gloryful shining light bulb! And the other topics surrounding it. You can see in this poster we haven't linked anything but we will in the actual poster! And we haven't even apply our galaxy themed idea in this draft! So just a picture of the concept (don't worry we will have MUCH MUCH better graphics). We'll keep you updated and wish us luck! (Lot's of it!) 
Yep. Luck. 

Theme of the poster

If you haven't realized, our blog is decorated with galaxy-themed graphics! Why galaxy? Because since this blog is all about worldview, from the perspective of an observer on Earth (Einstein's theory of relativity *wink wink to you all science lovers!*) the galaxy look so huge and wide, just like how our worldview should be. Not kept inside a box but rather open-minded, wide and keep on expanding! (well technically the universe is the one that's expanding not the galaxy but.. for the sake of good grapic let's use galaxy) Ofcourse in reality, compared to our greatly expanding universe, the galaxy is well.. nothing. It is nothing in comparison of size. BUT! AGAIN FOR THE SAKE OF GOOD GRAPHICS! LET'S USE GALAXY INSTEAD!

So for our project we are probably going to go with a galaxy themed, maybe we are going to use galaxy as a background, maybe use the concept too, or even use pictures that correlates with the outerspace! Which ever will be the better idea we will use that! For the meanwhile, entertain yourself with this picture of a cat "looking" at the galaxy (or well photoshopped)!


Role of team members

Hi again! 
Our next project is to make a major creative project! What a name huh? 
Well you may be wondering what this project is all about, well basically we have to make a digital poster on what we've learned last semester and link them up together! 

But before we start the project we have to divide our jobs into sections!

Our team member Renzo Widjaja would take the part in arranging and filling up the content of the poster, this includes what we have learned and how we are going to link it, with the assistance of another team member, Michael Widjaja!

This brings us to the next job, the design of the poster! Michael will not only help Renzo to think about the content of the poster and how all of the thing we learned but also how the poster will look, the lay out of the poster. 

Next is the job of our third team member, Clarissa Novillian! Clarissa is very good in designing posters as that is one of her forte, and also picking out the fonts which is very important for the visuals, although we will not have much writing and more of pictures explaining themselves! She along with Renzo and Michael will also take charge in printing the poster. 

Finally, the actual design using photoshop would be done by me, Veda Alexandra. I would use the information gathered and the draft and outline made by other members and intrepret it to an actual poster using photoshop! 
Yay photoshop!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Biography of a friend: Clarissa Novillian

Clarissa Novillian Raharja. Yes that's her full name. She was born somewhere in November 1998. She have two older sisters. That made her youngest among the trio. She have been enrolled to Springfield ever since nursery school. She grew up here, educated here, and become dirty minded here as well. A pure Springfield product.

Chemistry. Physics. Economics. Enterprise (Oh, please..). Those are the lessons she took for IGCSE. She achieved quite decent grades. Most of the time. I have no idea. How in the world she got those grades with watching shows most of the time. Like most of what Springfield students do, she procrastinates. A lot. It's okay. Because I do too.

Well, she was one of many friends which loves to go down and buy snacks during our ten minute break. Mostly french fries. She is very unproductive in Chinese class. Like, most of us. She spends a lot of time laughing, giggling, and talking with her friends. And you do not want to put her next to her best friend. She will keep talking. And talking. And talking. Until there is nothing else to talk about. Which is relatively impossible for girls (not being sexist, just stating a fact).

She loves Marvel heroes a lot. After one movie come out, she already anticipated the next one. She finds out everything about the heroes: biodata, aliases, real name, how they got their powers. Basically, their background.

She is also a very nice friend to talk to. You can just sit with her for hours and talk about movies and tv shows. Oh ya! Did I mention she is a big fan of TV shows too? She loves to see the undead bite the crap out of the living in The Walking Dead. She also loves to see the Game of Thrones, which, I really don't know much about. Her shows are either Rated R or incomprehensible. Like, The Walking Dead and The Game of Thrones (peace, Clarissa).

She is also a big fan of Star Trek. Every time people talks about Star Trek, she pops out of nowhere and joins the conversation. It's like she have special ears programmed to listen to Star Trek convos. Like Marvel movies, she finds out everything about the casts. One time, she mentioned a question on Twitter to the cast who plays Spock, the pointy ear dude in the USS Enterprise (in case you're wondering). That dude mentioned back. And she was screamed the crap out of everybody. We thought she had extra sugar for her tea in the morning. But no. It was some guy who probably have no idea who she was, where she was, how big of a fan she was, and etc. whom answered her mention.

That's basically it. That's all I have to say about Ms. Novillian. Live long and prosper.

Biography of a friend: Michael Wijaya

A couple of days ago, my group, along with me myself, are assigned to a task about making a biography. Not about ourselves, but about other team members. The Elevate team consists of two boys and two girls, and naturally we all picked a boy-boy and a girl-girl partner to write each other’s biographies, but then our worldview teacher stated that we’re going to do it in a boy-girl groups, so this is a short biography about Michael Wijaya. 

He was born in the 14th of December in the year of 1999. He’s one of the most active students in the class, as well as one of the brightest (I must begrudgingly admit this). 

In class, we discussed about the questions Mr. Mak provided us. Although we have an adequate amount of time to answer everything, it is proven to be difficult to fish some of the answers out since even for me myself, I don’t even know the answers to some of the questions given.

Michael, who grew up in the same place as he is now, studied at IPEKA in the past, before moving his academic adventure here in Springfield International School in the year of 2012 (when we all began at grade 7). He has quite a shining talent in basketball, and in school subjects like physics and mathematics. He likes to study subjects in the science and in the mathematics field. At grade 9, when all of the students are required to choose which subjects they would like to focus in, he got in into physics and maths, and he enjoys talking about it to his friends at quite a constant rate. He also enjoys playing computer games and also watch various popular movies or read comic books and likes to do those things during his spare times (including his weekends). Michael is not really a serious student during usual schooldays, except when the exams are two or one week away, that’s the point when he shifted from being an ordinary 15 year old student who loves life and everything it gives into a serious students whose only task is to cramp all the year’s worth of studies into one week or two of studying in order to prepare for the examinations.

He also enjoys some things that I do like, such as reading comics and that I am so excited for him because he is going to watch The Walking Dead, which means that he might be a potential of being a fan of the show like I am and it's nice to have people to talk to about your favorite shows. Michael, all in all, is a good friend, and he is a big part of the classroom being a "fun" environment. Sometimes, when he is absent, the classroom becomes eerily quiet, and that is something a class shouldn't be like. 

Biography of a friend: Veda Alexandra

Veda Alexandra, or Veda was born in October 16 1999. She is by far the most active person in school and is a nerd as well. She is the oldest in her family and has one sister who is currently staying in the seventh grade.

Veda has a lot of friends despite her unique attitude. Unique in mostly a bad way for me, but sometimes she can be nice too.

The first time I met her was back to the day when I entered SpringField, which was in 2011. My first impression towards her was that she is a quite girl and very smart at the same time. She has 3 friends who were extremely close to her. Those three are Jessica, Sherlin (Veda's cousin and friend) & Herlina.

After three years of staying here in Springfield in my current grade which is grade 10, I'm finally in the same class with Veda. As far as I can say, Veda is not what I thought she is, instead Veda is a very loud person that can be very rude or very nice (sometimes). If you are trying to mess with with her, then be prepared to feel her wrath. Usually she will kick you or pull your hair (even girls), either way both are very painful in my opinion.

Last time I asked several questions to her :

How did you arrive at being a student at SF? What path brought you here?
What are you known for in life? What talents do you have?
What’s the one problem you are best at solving for your your friends? What do your best friends say about you?
Where have you gone to school in the past? And what have you liked most to study?
What are you most passionate about spiritually? What most excites you about your work & the contribution you can make?
What are you passionate about academically? What do you really enjoy? What can’t you stop talking about?
Where can we find you when you’re not working? What’s your favorite way to spend a weekend or a Sunday afternoon?
How long have you been a serious student? If not one, when do you intend to start?
Where did you grow up and why aren’t you there now?
Any volunteer activities you’re crazy about?
Any nonprofits you love, & why?
Any awards or medals, or even medallions? Personal okay, too.
What would be impossible for you to give up?
Why would someone not want to work with you?
How do you want to be remembered?
Anything else you’d like to tell people about yourself?

Veda was a former High Scope school student together with her 3 best friends I mentioned earlier. Basically, she entered SpringField because of an advertisement she saw. At first she thought its not the best school to get into, but after some information she gained from her relatives and friends, she decided to enter SpringField anyway.

When I asked her what is she most passionate about in life, she answered that it is to study and gain as much knowledge as she possibly could. She loves to help her friend in times of difficulty and cheer them up. Veda is also very close to her female teachers. She would hug them in class and have no shame even if her classmates are watching. The only male teacher she spend most time with is probably Mr. CK, that is her beloved physics teacher. 

After asking several questions, I can see that Veda is a person that is full of expectations and a very sociable person, which I think is kind of surprising despite her look and what she does most of the time: Studying.

Veda also loves working with people in or out of the class. In class she will pleasurably help her classmates who are struggling. I can say this, as often times I see my friends who are experiencing a problem will often seek for Veda's help because she has the ability and the leadership to guide them.

All in all, Veda is a great friend and student. She can be a better person if she's able to handle her own emotion and just let go all the mockery she receives. I wish the best for her study and hope that she can follow the path God has set for her life.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Biography of a friend: Renzo Widjaja

Hello! So we're doing this school project and while we are normally asked to make a biography of ourselves, this time we did something different. What we did was "interviewed" or let's just call it having a conversation with our team member and asked them the following questions: 

How did you arrive at being a student at SF? What path brought you here?
What are you known for in life? What talents do you have?
What’s the one problem you are best at solving for your your friends? What do your best friends say about you?
Where have you gone to school in the past? And what have you liked most to study?
What are you most passionate about spiritually? What most excites you about your work & the contribution you can make?
What are you passionate about academically? What do you really enjoy? What can’t you stop talking about?
Where can we find you when you’re not working? What’s your favorite way to spend a weekend or a Sunday afternoon?
How long have you been a serious student? If not one, when do you intend to start?
Where did you grow up and why aren’t you there now?
Any volunteer activities you’re crazy about?
Any nonprofits you love, & why?
Any awards or medals, or even medallions? Personal okay, too.
What would be impossible for you to give up?
Why would someone not want to work with you?
How do you want to be remembered?
Anything else you’d like to tell people about yourself?

Some questions are pretty tough but that's alright. Anyway, I personally think that this is quite cool and a pretty nice method to use when you're trying to get to know somebody. So, I'm going to write a biography about my team member, Renzo Widjaja.  
The guy on the left with the black shirt who is running

Well he started going to school in Springfield in grade 7, he claimed that he moved because his younger brother was here too. He couldn't really answer what he was known for in life which makes me think that maybe he still has a lot of things to figure out and also claims that he has no talent which means he doesn't have the highest confidence, but at the end after a little bit of force, he admits that he is good at basketball. He also claims that he helps out his friends with life which is quite believable since i have had past conversations with him about his thoughts on origin and life which is of course an indication of having the ability of thinking in a depth. He doesn't quite know what his friends think of him cause he claims that they never really talk about it which is reasonable. He previously studied in notredam school and doesn't quite like studying which shows in his everyday work. He is also not passionate academically and when I ask him what he enjoyed and what he can't stop talking about he copied my answer for both question which I know is not true since I answered physics is one of the things I enjoy and can't stop talking about and he doesn't even take physics for his IGCSE subject choice. He mentioned that he can be found at home if not working and gave a vague answer on "what's your favorite way to spend a weekend?" I'm assuming it is watching videos of people being slaughtered and videos of aliens and youtube and playing games such as dota 2. He also claims that he is a serious student but later on changed his answer to being not a serious student and said that he will start "soon", although from my observation I doubt that "soon" would actually be any time soon. We skipped several questions because he was uninterested in answering them and was more interested in looking at another team mate's screen. He claims to have any award but would not want to disclose any other details, he said that it was "personal". I don't know if he is telling the truth or is he just really personal about these matters. He gave a very vague answer to "what would be impossible for you to give up?" signing me that he doesn't really understand the question. The question "why would someone not want to work with you?" was answered with "this is why" referring to my frustration in making him answer all of the questions, which I agree to. He also copied my answer to the question "how would you want to be remember? " which makes me think that he actually have an answer in mind or is thinking about it but does not want to reveal any information. He did not want to add any additional information and seemed glad when he finished all the questions. I belive that Renzo is a person with depth, but he just have to be "sharpen" like most people I know. He needs to have his own initiative to do things and to improve. I do not know him very well so the biography is done based on the conversation we had. But he is very mischievous, but than again most teenagers act like that and it is normal in the eye's of society.