How did you arrive at being a student at SF? What path brought you here?
What are you known for in life? What talents do you have?
What’s the one problem you are best at solving for your your friends? What do your best friends say about you?
Where have you gone to school in the past? And what have you liked most to study?
What are you most passionate about spiritually? What most excites you about your work & the contribution you can make?
What are you passionate about academically? What do you really enjoy? What can’t you stop talking about?
Where can we find you when you’re not working? What’s your favorite way to spend a weekend or a Sunday afternoon?
How long have you been a serious student? If not one, when do you intend to start?
Where did you grow up and why aren’t you there now?
Any volunteer activities you’re crazy about?
Any nonprofits you love, & why?
Any awards or medals, or even medallions? Personal okay, too.
What would be impossible for you to give up?
Why would someone not want to work with you?
How do you want to be remembered?
Anything else you’d like to tell people about yourself?
Some questions are pretty tough but that's alright. Anyway, I personally think that this is quite cool and a pretty nice method to use when you're trying to get to know somebody. So, I'm going to write a biography about my team member, Renzo Widjaja.
The guy on the left with the black shirt who is running |
Well he started going to school in Springfield in grade 7, he claimed that he moved because his younger brother was here too. He couldn't really answer what he was known for in life which makes me think that maybe he still has a lot of things to figure out and also claims that he has no talent which means he doesn't have the highest confidence, but at the end after a little bit of force, he admits that he is good at basketball. He also claims that he helps out his friends with life which is quite believable since i have had past conversations with him about his thoughts on origin and life which is of course an indication of having the ability of thinking in a depth. He doesn't quite know what his friends think of him cause he claims that they never really talk about it which is reasonable. He previously studied in notredam school and doesn't quite like studying which shows in his everyday work. He is also not passionate academically and when I ask him what he enjoyed and what he can't stop talking about he copied my answer for both question which I know is not true since I answered physics is one of the things I enjoy and can't stop talking about and he doesn't even take physics for his IGCSE subject choice. He mentioned that he can be found at home if not working and gave a vague answer on "what's your favorite way to spend a weekend?" I'm assuming it is watching videos of people being slaughtered and videos of aliens and youtube and playing games such as dota 2. He also claims that he is a serious student but later on changed his answer to being not a serious student and said that he will start "soon", although from my observation I doubt that "soon" would actually be any time soon. We skipped several questions because he was uninterested in answering them and was more interested in looking at another team mate's screen. He claims to have any award but would not want to disclose any other details, he said that it was "personal". I don't know if he is telling the truth or is he just really personal about these matters. He gave a very vague answer to "what would be impossible for you to give up?" signing me that he doesn't really understand the question. The question "why would someone not want to work with you?" was answered with "this is why" referring to my frustration in making him answer all of the questions, which I agree to. He also copied my answer to the question "how would you want to be remember? " which makes me think that he actually have an answer in mind or is thinking about it but does not want to reveal any information. He did not want to add any additional information and seemed glad when he finished all the questions. I belive that Renzo is a person with depth, but he just have to be "sharpen" like most people I know. He needs to have his own initiative to do things and to improve. I do not know him very well so the biography is done based on the conversation we had. But he is very mischievous, but than again most teenagers act like that and it is normal in the eye's of society.